Our Twitter Account Report Download Comes With

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PDF containing Analytics

A comprehensive PDF file containing various useful insights that are derived from the raw Twitter data. Such analytics is the Best time to tweet, Most mentioned keywords, Most retweeted tweets, etc

3200 twitter archive

3200 tweets in Excel/CSV

Get up to recent 3200 tweets of any public Twitter user in CSV/Excel sheet containing Tweet content and lots of useful meta data

download tweets media

Separate Media Files

Get URLs of all the image and videos used by the Twitter account in its tweets in separate files

How to Download Tweets to Excel

Looking to download someone's tweets? Here are the steps to download tweets from user:

  • Type the username of the Twitter accounts in search box placed above
  • After entering, you will see the username and profile photo of the user of which you want to purchase the tweets. Click on the "Add to cart button" to add the report in the cart
  • Go to cart, where you can see all the reports which you have added.
  • Click on the "Place Order" button, create an account or sign in to your existing account and make the payment
  • After the payment, you will be able to see the report in the "Your Report" section as well as receive an email
  • In case of any queries, you can email us at contact@followersanalysis.com
Few important points to be noted:
  • The Twitter account user won't be able to know if you download tweets of their account.
  • Private account tweets can only be fetched on special requests
  • We provide up to 3200 tweets of a public Twitter account. If you need more than 3200 tweets, you can request them here
How to export Tweets

Twitter Account Analytics PDF Contains the Following

Basic Statistics

FollowersAnalysis comes with lots of basic and advanced analytics which are very useful to study or analyze a Twitter user’s profile. We derive these analytics from the raw Tweet data provided by Twitter. You can find lots of useful metrics below:

  • Tweet types: Differentiation of Total tweets into Tweets, retweets and replies along with their percentage out of the total number of tweets
  • Averages: Average tweets, retweets and replies per day, week and month
Basic Statistics

Tweet Timeline
Tweet Timeline

Tweet timeline shows the number of Tweets posted by the Twitter account in chronological order. It shows how active the Twitter account was in the past few months. Following are the applications of a Tweet timeline:

  • You can see when was the last time the Twitter account was most active
  • You can see the patterns in tweeting to know whether the Twitter account is a bot or a real person
  • You can see how active Twitter account is and how often does it tweet

Client Source

The Client source shows the variety of devices used by the Twitter account to post the tweets. It has the following applications:

  • Know which device the Twitter Account uses most often
  • Know the number of tweets posted by each Device
  • Know whether the Twitter account is using any commercial platform like Hootsuite or Buffer to tweet
Device Source

Week Day Pattern
Week-Day Peak Usage Pattern

This heat map shows the pattern of Tweets posted by the Twitter account. It shows how many tweets the Twitter user has posted at what time and on which day. Following are the applications of this graph:

  • Know at what time of the day and on which day of the week the Twitter account is most active
  • If you want to connect to the user, you can easily see that at which time the Twitter user is most active on Twitter

Best Time to Tweet

This predictive analytic calculates the best time at which the Twitter user should tweet to get the maximum exposure and retweets. It is calculated based on retweets gained by those tweets which were tweeted at a particular time.

For example, if a user has tweeted a total of 150 tweets between 07:00 pm to 08:00 pm since the account creation date. Now take the median of all the retweets received by these tweets to get the average retweets per tweet. The higher the average, the better the time to tweet.

Following are the applications of this analytics:

  • Know the top 6 best time duration to tweet
  • Know when the Twitter account is receiving maximum retweets per tweet
Best Tweet Time

Most Mentioned Keywords
Most Mentioned Keywords and @Usernames

Those keywords and @usernames which the Twitter user has mentioned the most in their tweet contents. This analytic helps to:

  • Know the interest of Twitter account
  • Know the type of language the Twitter account is using
  • Know whether the Twitter account is promoting something
  • Know the most frequently contacted Twitter users of a targeted account

Top Retweeted and Liked Tweets

Get a list of the tweets of the Twitter user which received most retweets and likes. Here are its applications:

  • Know what kind of tweets are receiving the maximum response
  • Based on tweet content, you can identify those factors which helped you gain that many retweets and likes. Those factors may be hashtags, images, videos or anything else
  • Know average retweets per tweet and average likes per tweet
most retweeted and liked tweets

Tweets Media
Separate Image and Video Files

To make it more convenient for our customers to find the images and videos used by the Twitter accounts in their tweets, we have come up with separate images and video file:

  • These files contain URLs of all the images and videos which are used in the Tweet content by the Twitter account.
  • You can access the media in just one click.
  • You can find out media files that are relevant to you.

Meta data included in CSV/Excel file

Tweet Id: Unique ID of the Tweet
Tweet URL: URL of the Tweet
Tweet Posted Time: Time at which the Tweet was posted
Tweet Content: Tweet content with up to 280 characters (max)
Tweet Type: Whether it is a tweet, retweet or reply
Client: Device through which the tweet was posted
Retweets Received: Number of retweets on the Tweet
Likes Received: Number of likes on the Tweet
User Id: User ID of the user who posted the original tweet
Name: Name of the user who posted the original tweet
Username: Username of the user who posted the original tweet
Verified or Non-verified: Whether the Twitter account is verified or not
Profile URL: URL of profile of the Twitter account who posted the tweet
Protected or Non-protected: Whether the Twitter account is protected or not
Tweets CSV details First

Download more than 3200 tweets

Twitter restricts third-party applications to export more 3200 tweets of an individual Twitter user and therefore most third-party services can't provide tweets more than 3200. But, FollowersAnalysis is a tool that can provide more than 3200 tweets. To download more than 3200 tweets of a user, all you need to do is visit our Old Tweets page.

more than 3200