Followers Analysis & Data

Get the complete list of Twitter Followers & Following Data as well as 3200 tweets of any Twitter account in CSV/Excel along with a comprehensive analytics PDF. Twitter follower analysis includes Most active and popular followers, Followers last tweet date, Followers' account age, etc.

User Tweets Analysis & Data

Export any public Twitter user's recent 3200 tweets in a CSV/Excel datasheet and analyze it with the help of FollowersAnalysis' advanced AI-based analytical tool. The analytics include the best time to tweet, the Most mentioned keywords, Most retweeted, liked tweets and Week-Day Peak Usage Pattern, etc.

Expanding Globally With Over 43,000+ Sign-ups 6500+ Satisfied Customers 72000+ Analyzed Twitter Accounts

Why Choose FollowersAnalysis?

Get Recent 3200 Tweets and More

Along with Twitter followers data, you can also export more than 3200 tweets of any public Twitter account with Tweet content, URLS, and more.

  • More than 3200 tweets on special request. Download old tweets of any Twitter account or related to any hashtag, keyword, or @mention in a CSV/Excel file.
  • Meta data along with tweet content like Tweet id, URL, Time, Source, retweet and like count and lot more
  • List of URLs of Images which are used in the tweets
  • List of URLs of Videos which are used in the tweets
Recent 3200 tweets

Comprehensive data

Comprehensive Twitter data

Our tool performs Twitter follower analysis and provides complete data related to a Twitter account and hence furnish you with the required firepower to win the social media battle, and at the end, drive valuable conversions for your brand:

  • Get a full list of all the followers of any Twitter account along with lots of useful metadata.
  • Followers Metadata includes the Twitter id of followers, account creation date, Name, username, Profile URL, Location and many more
  • Get millions of followers data of a Twitter account in a single file or multiple CSV/excel files.

Research and Analysis

Twitter follower analysis helps you analyze twitter users and their followers with the help of our AI-based tool. We provide a detailed analysis of Twitter accounts to help you in Research and Analysis.

  • Get to know the potential reach and overall impressions created by the tweets of an individual account
  • Know Tweet timeline, major devices sources, tweet patterns and more
  • Know most retweeted and liked tweets of an account.
  • Get detailed Twitter followers and following analysis which includes followers activity graph, Twitter age and other interesting facts
  • Get the complete data and CSV/Excel sheet as well
Research And Analysis

Pay as you Go

Pay as you go pricing

We believe in complete transparency and therefore charge only for what you purchase.

  • No subscription plan
  • No automatic monthly deduction
  • No hidden charges
  • Just one-time payment
  • An E-commerce platform for Twitter analysis

Followers Analysis exclusive analytics and insights

FollowersAnalysis provides lots of useful analytics that are derived from raw tweet and followers data. These analytics help our users to conduct research, build a marketing event, and design future strategy. Twitter Followers Analysis can provide you with a lot of useful insights. All the crucial analytical metrics are explained below.

  • best time to tweet
    Best Time to Tweet

    Know the best time for a user to tweet to get maximum exposure and retweets. It is calculated based on retweets gained by the tweets which were tweeted in the past.

  • client source
    Tweet Client Source

    The devices which are used to post the tweets are client sources. They are Twitter web client, Twitter for iPhone, Twitter for Android, TweetDeck, etc.

  • week-day usage pattern
    Week-Day Peak Usage Pattern

    Week-Day peak usage pattern is the pattern between hours of the day and days of the week which shows the tweeting pattern of Twitter users.

  • most mentioned keywords and accounts
    Most Retweeted and Liked Tweets

    Among all the tweets of a Twitter user, you can know its 10 most retweeted tweets and 10 most liked tweets. It helps in knowing what kind of tweets gain maximum exposure.

  • top followers
    Top Twitter Followers and Following

    Know the most popular, most active, most liked followers and following. Twitter Account Analysis helps in finding out the key influencers of the industry. It helps you in getting a brief idea about how active they are on Twitter and how authentic their followers are. Statistics such as tweet reply percentage provide us with an idea of their activeness on Twitter.

  • following analytics
    Other Followers Analytics

    Other analytics provided by Followers analysis are Followers’ Last Tweet Date, Account Age of Followers, Tweets, Followers, Following Count of Twitter Account Followers, Followers Verified and Protected Percentage

Features provided by Followers Analysis

export data to excel
Export data to Excel/CSV

Export large volume of raw twitter data in excel (csv) format.

download pdf
Downloadable PDF report of Analytics

Download PDF containing various useful analytics and insights from raw Twitter data.

influencers search
Influencers search

Find out those Twitter Followers and Following which are most impactful and influential.

predictive analytics
Predictive Followers analytics

Predict the best time to tweet, the best hashtag to use, etc. with the help of existing raw Twitter data.

email notification
Notifications and Alerts

Get email notifications at every event happening in your FollowersAnalysis account.

tweet timeline and pattern
Tweet timeline and pattern

Get a detailed timeline of all the tweets as well as their daily and weekly pattern.

Separate Media Files

Get a separate image and video files that contain URLs, Media ID, and Tweet IDs of all the media.

Replies/Comments on a Tweet

Get all the replies/comments received on any Tweet in CSV/Excel file. It contains Reply content, Tweet id etc.


Get Customized reports, customized tools and filtered data to fulfill your needs and requirements.