Exporting your Twitter followers should be an easy job. It is just like asking a bank for your financials.
Twitter does provide you with an option to export Twitter followers from your account in JSON format. Reading the data in JSON format is a bit troublesome and requires you to first unzip the downloaded folder and after that open the individual JSON files in a text editor.
If we talk about the followers list, we are only provided with a profile link and Twitter account ID of individual followers.
However, it is a straightforward procedure and I am going to mention the steps involved in exporting the Twitter follower list from your account. I will also mention a paid method that will allow you to export Twitter followers from any public Twitter account using FollowersAnalysis.
These steps are for exporting your followers from the Twitter desktop website.
- Log into Twitter.
- Click on ‘More’.
- Click on ‘Setting and support’. And then go for ‘Settings and privacy
- In the window that appears, click on ‘Your Account’.
- Then click on ‘Download an archive of your data’.
- Input your Twitter password when prompted.
If you are on a Mobile device, please follow these steps:
- Log in to the Twitter app and open the menu
- Click on ‘Settings and Privacy’, and then click on ‘Account’.
- Click on ‘Your Account’ and then on ‘Download Archive’.
- After entering the password, you will receive your archive link through the email account associated with your Twitter account to download your Twitter data.
The data is not instantly generated and Twitter takes a few days to accumulate your data and you will get a download link at your Twitter registered e-mail ID after this process is completed.
Once the data is downloaded, you can see that there is a list of various metrics under which you have to individually view the information.
This is sample data sourced from Twitter’s website. As you can see, the information is in a plain text format with the account ID and account link only.
Although this is a good start, it doesn’t accomplish your purpose. You still have to manually input each user ID to identify followers which I believe is Impractical.
Steps to export Twitter followers list for any public account via FollowersAnalysis
These are the steps for downloading followers list using FollowersAnalysis.
- Go to FollowersAnalysis.com and click on ‘Followers Analysis & Data’.
- Type in the account name and click on ‘Submit’.
- Click on “Add to cart” and after that, click on “View Cart”.
- Click on “Place Order”. Login into your existing account or create a new account.
- After you make the payment your report will start generating and will be ready to download in seconds.
These steps will allow you to download follower data in CSV (Excel) format along with various other useful analytical insights (in PDF).
An insight into the analytical report
When we get the data from FollowersAnalysis, we can see that the data downloaded from Twitter pales in comparison to the sheer amount of information we get from FollowersAnalysis. Not only the quality of the information, but the number of metrics provided by the FollowersAnalysis report is also staggering. Let’s take a look at the downloaded report.
- User Id: Unique ID of a Twitter account
- Name: Name of the Twitter account
- Username: Username of the Twitter account
- Twitter Joined Date (UTC): Date of Twitter account creation
- Verified or Non-verified: Whether the Twitter account is verified or not
- Bio: Bio of the Twitter account which is mentioned in its Twitter profile
- Location: Location which is mentioned by the Twitter account
- Website: URL of the website mentioned by the Twitter user
- Tweets Count: Number of tweets posted by the Twitter account
- Following Count: Number of Following of the Twitter account
- Followers Count: Number of Followers of the Twitter account
- Lists Count: Number of lists in which the Twitter account is added by other Twitter users
- Likes Count: Number of tweets that are liked by the Twitter account
- Profile URL: URL of the Twitter account’s profile
- Profile Picture URL: URL of the profile picture of the Twitter account
- Protected or Non-protected: Whether the Twitter account is protected or not
- Last Tweet Date (UTC): Date and time of the last tweet posted by the Twitter account
These are the metrics provided by the FollowersAnalysis report. Comparing it with the information provided by Twitter, you will find that the FollowersAnalysis report is a goldmine of information!
It’s like hitting a jackpot of Twitter information.
Analytics derived from the analytical report
The report consists of statistics that are beautifully illustrated. Let’s delve deeper into the analytics derived from the CSV report:
1: Followers and following last tweet date
This is a very crucial metric that is derived from the report. The last tweet date verifies since when the account is inactive. This metric shows us which of your followers are fake based on their level of activity.
2: Account age of followers
The Twitter account age of followers shows you what percentage of your followers created their Twitter account in any given year. This can help you in differentiating the number of relatively new accounts. The greater the account age, the greater its credibility.
3: Tweets count of Twitter account followers
The graph shows the number of followers of the Twitter account divided as per their own tweets count. It comes under the “Tweets Count” tab of exported raw CSV list. Accounts with zero tweets are dormant and considered spam or fake.
4: Followers count of Twitter account followers
This analysis shows us the popularity of followers of your Twitter account. Accounts with zero followers count are considered as fake accounts.
5: Followers verified and protected percentage
Profile verification status confirms that a Twitter account is authentic. It shows that the account is indeed genuine. Accounts that are protected carry out hidden activities such as posts that may not be visible to people outside the group.
6: List of top followers and following
We can find the most popular and most active followers of a Twitter account along with the followers with the maximum number of likes and followers list.
Applications of the analytical report
There are various applications for the report generated through FollowersAnalysis. From understanding your Twitter follower base to reading engagement patterns, everything can be achieved by just reading the report. I am going to write a few other applications of this report.
1. Audience Insights: If you export your Twitter followers list you can identify who they are. You can access information like age, language, geographical location, bio, and more. This can help you develop more personalized marketing strategies to draw their attention. This way, you can make informed strategies that work, rather than trying out various approaches while hoping something would stick.
2. Analyze Followers: By exporting your followers’ list you get access to various insights that can help you analyze the quality of your follower base. You can identify the most engaging followers that increase the visibility of your post and help generate trending conversations about your brand. You can also find ghost followers that don’t engage at all and remove them. This can help you increase your engagement rate while also getting rid of fake followers.
3. Identify Influencers: Influencer marketing is the most used paid marketing channel by brand. They can sway the buying decisions of customers in your favor. By analyzing your followers, you can identify influencers that have a large and engaging follower base. You can further analyze their followers to identify the right brand advocate for your brand.
4. Optimize Posting Time: Twitter is a fast-paced social media platform where thousands of users can engage with your tweet. But the average lifespan of a tweet is between 15-20 minutes. If you don’t post when users are online, your tweet will get pushed to the bottom of their timeline. By analyzing your followers, you can identify the time frame when users are online and engage with your tweet.
5. Get Competitor Insights: By exporting the Twitter followers of your competitors and analyzing them, you can get various insights. You can identify their marketing tactics that work, analyze their audience quality, identify influencers that engage with them, and more. You can also use the insights to compare your social media performance with your competitors.
6. Identify top tweets: Creating an engaging content strategy is not easy. The interests of people differ and if you keep posting content randomly, your target audience might stop following you. The best way to look for resonating content is by identifying your or your competitors’ top-performing tweets. It will give you an idea of what users related to your industry like to engage with and build your content strategy accordingly.
7. Identify unfollowers: Many users take advantage of the follow-unfollow scam to increase their follower count. They will initially follow you, but as soon as you follow them back, they will unfollow. FollowersAnalysis also allows you to export following list (people you follow), you can then check users that once followed you don’t anymore and unfollow them.
8. Spot inactive accounts: Inactive accounts are those that no longer engage or haven’t even posted any tweet for a considerably long time. While these users do increase your follower count, they decrease your engagement rate. What’s more concerning is that these accounts might be fake accounts that follow multiple users to seem legit. It’s best to get rid of them before they accumulate and make a significant portion of your follower base.
We can see from the above information that the analytical reports have a significant amount of information as compared to the report provided by Twitter. The report generated is thorough and insightful which allows you to draw constructive conclusions.
With this, we come to the end of our article. Stay tuned for more informative articles such as this.
Dushyant is an enthusiastic and quick learner in all fields who likes to gain experience, loves to write, and works on his creativity. He loves to explore new things and information and has the potential to spread knowledge across the world. He believes in teamwork and helping others and has a strong belief in learning from our own life experiences and exploring more through our mistakes as everyone has a story to create. His hobbies include sports, drawing, learning new things, and a deep interest in geopolitics.

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