John William Oliver is an English comedian currently hosting “Last week tonight with John Oliver” which airs on HBO. He started his career as a stand up comedian and quickly rose to popularity.
He has been the host of “last week tonight” since 2014 and has received critical recognition for his show.
We decided to analyze his Twitter account to get insights into his fan base. Let’s begin!
1: Not a Frequent Tweeter.
John Oliver is not a frequent tweeter with only 1.11 average tweets per week. Average tweets per month stands at just 4.87 and he never replies to his tweets or retweets. We can say that he is sort of opinionated just like as he is on his show!
2: Tweet Timeline.
His tweet timeline shows that the maximum he had tweeted was 15 times in the month of May 2014. This was apparent from his total number of tweets which was also quite low. He is opinionated but doesn’t bother about expressing them on Twitter.
3: Mostly Tweets From Twitter Website.
Out of the 457 analyzed tweets, 413 were tweeted from Twitter web client. Only 30 tweets were sent out using iPhone. This somewhat explains his low number of tweets as it seems he mostly uses Twitter while on his laptop or desktop PC.
4: His Best Time To Tweet Is Between 04:00-05:00(UTC)
The best time to tweet is the time at which a posted tweet receives the maximum number of retweets. This means that the tweet has the highest engagement rate at that time. John Oliver received an average of 2,347 retweets for tweets which he posted between 04:00-05:00(UTC).
5: His Most Mentioned Keyword Is Funny!
#mutuallyassuredhumiliation. Although used just 3 times, it is hilarious! He seldom mentions keywords in his tweets as is apparent from the list.
6: Most Mentioned Username.
#Lastweektonight is the most mentioned user name in his tweets and was used 41 times. This is the name of the show he hosts on HBO and this is by far his highest mentioned username by a huge margin. The second highest mentioned username is #hjbenjamin used just 3 times.
7: Decent number of retweets.
He receives an average of 1,080.51 retweets for every tweet he posts. Considering his followers base of 5.24 million, this is not an excellent figure but he creates engagement with his tweets.
8: More likes than retweets.
Average likes per tweet stands at 3,883.42. This is a good number as compared to his retweet stats and shows that people like his tweets which, hypothetically, are a reflection of his ideas. The highest likes that he received was 89.24K.