Taylor Swift has 84.1 million Twitter followers as of writing this article and this number is steadily on the rise. Creating resonating content that appeals to this diversified follower base is a humongous task and would not have been possible without Twitter followers analysis tools.
These tools can help you perform Twitter followers analysis and build impact full Twitter campaigns. This in turn will assist you tremendously in analyzing and further expanding your Twitter follower base. Follower analysis tools can also provide you with various profile metrics of followers such as Twitter age, geographical data, languages spoken and so on. Let’s delve deeper into metrics of Twitter followers analysis.
Types of Twitter Follower Analysis Metrics
There are numerous parameters that are utilized in understanding and enhancing the performance metrics of a Twitter profile.
Twitter Followers Analysis can provide you with a lot of useful insights. All the crucial analytical metrics are explained below:
1. Follower’s last tweet date.
This metric displays the time period for which the respective Twitter account has been dormant. If the followers of a Twitter account are dormant for most periods of time, they are most likely fake. In short, the activeness of Twitter followers verifies their authenticity.
2. Account Age of Twitter Followers.
As the name suggests, this metric allows you to view the percentage of old and new twitter accounts. If the Twitter account is new and highly active for a short duration of time, and has gathered more than usual followers, it’s most probably a fake account.
3. Tweets Count of Twitter Account Followers.
This metric displays the tweet numbers of Twitter followers. Accounts with zero tweet counts are considered fake or spam accounts. We can unfollow accounts that rarely send out tweets.
4. Followers count of Twitter followers.
The followers count metric displays the popularity of Twitter followers of any public account. You can also check the followers count of your Twitter followers and unfollow those accounts that have zero or very less followers.
5. Verified and protected Twitter followers percentage.
If a Twitter account has a large number of verified followers, it means the account has gained legit followers and verifies the account authenticity. Protected Twitter accounts are something that carry out hidden or private activities. Accounts related to porn industry or similar run protected Twitter accounts.
6. List of top followers and following of a Twitter account.
As the name suggests, this metric provides you with a list of top followers and following data for any public Twitter account.
7. Following count of Twitter followers.
These info-graphics display the total follower count of any targeted Twitter account.
Applications of Twitter Follower Analysis Metrics
As far as metric analysis goes, its main strength lies with the fact that we can quantify our success and failure rates by looking at the generated data. There are quite a few applications of Twitter followers analysis metrics.
- Identifying your Twitter audience.
This is by far the most crucial outcome from Twitter followers analysis. You can tailor your brand’s marketing strategy that resonates with your Twitter audience and drives conversions.
This will help you tremendously in achieving your desired goals and will also make sure that the efforts you put later are not wasted. For instance, if a product-based company that solely targets teenagers is developing a marketing strategy, it will emphasize on creating content and posts that directly target the teenager demographic. But, if there are no Twitter analytics available, it will be extremely difficult to assess whether your followers fall in the target age group.
- Data comparison.
We can obtain competitive insights of our competitors that provide valuable details related to their marketing strategy. You can see how your strategies measure up to your competitors by getting quantifiable numbers.
- Measure engagement rates.
Twitter followers analysis can help you in drawing parallels related to the engagement rates generated by followers. You can check what type of posts create the highest engagements and drives conversions. Once a quantitative engagement metric is established, you can create more posts of the same type which will result in an overall boost to the brand value as now you have an engaged audience.
- Analyze reach of the posts.
It’s very important to understand the impact and reach of your posts. The more reach you have, the more will be its impact. The tools provide all the required data such as the most liked post, the most retweeted post, and so on.
- Identify weaknesses in strategies.
The more insights you have, the more will be the impact of your Twitter strategy. You can easily identify the weak areas in your campaign and pay attention to the areas that have low reach and engagement rates.
- Save time.
Twitter followers analysis tools allow you to save plenty of time by performing all the heavy data lifting. It can quickly provide a report for all your efforts so that you can focus on creating and publishing more engaging content without the situation of hit and miss in the process, saving valuable time.
Twitter Follower Analysis using FollowersAnalysis
There are a lot of tools for Twitter followers analysis that can help you in achieving a laser-focused approach in your marketing and promotion strategy. These tools can help you greatly if you have the zeal to market your products or services. Although there are many tools for gathering insights, there is one tool that stood out for me:
FollowersAnalysis (www.FollowersAnalysis.com)
This is by far the most effective tool for Twitter followers analysis. The best part about this platform is that it has a pay as you go model that means you only pay for the specified twitter account that you want data for.
It has all the features of a competitive analysis tool like demographic tracking, language analysis, influencers analysis, search customization options and a lot more.
The one thing that sets it apart from its competitors is the website’s clean interface. Everything is searchable quickly and even new users won’t have any issues navigating the website and getting the desired information.
Every business is destined to be successful if it has the right approach and the right information. Reading your audience is the key here because it provides valuable insights into their lives.
Once the requirements of a target demographic are established, developing and implementing social media strategies are a piece of cake! Twitter followers analysis can provide you with the required fire power to win the social media battle, and at the end, drive valuable conversions for your brand.

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