Nike and Adidas have created a cult following who do not even flinch at the thought of waiting in line, all night, just to get their hands on that limited-edition pair of sneakers.
According to a report by Grand view research Inc., the global sneaker market is valued to reach around $95.14 billion by 2025, with Nike and Adidas taking up the lion’s share.
Keeping in mind the popularity of both of these sneaker behemoths, we analyzed the Twitter accounts of @Nike and @Adidas for their most recent 3200 tweets using an amazing tool called FollowersAnalysis and came up with very valuable insights for you to enjoy!
If you wish to read our other post with the Twitter follower comparisons of these two accounts, click here.
Number of tweets
Nike (@nike)
Out of the 3200 analyzed tweets, the original tweet percentage for Nike stands at 4.88% which counts to 156 tweets. The reply percentage is really high at 94.44%. This shows that Nike cares about being connected to its fan base and listens to their feedback. The retweet count is quite low at 0.69%.
Adidas (@adidas)
The tweet count for Adidas stands higher at 360 which is 11.25% of the total 3200 analyzed tweets.
The reply percentage is just a bit lower compared to Nike but is at an impressive 86.22% which counts to 2759 replies. Similar to Nike, Adidas has high engagement rates with its customers.
This shows that the company is open to suggestions and indulges in conversations with its fan base. The retweet percentage is low here as well with just 2.53% retweets.
Inference: Both of these sneaker brands are globally renowned and they take their reputation seriously. The reply percentage of both the companies shows that they are open to interactions with their fan base with Nike scoring just a bit higher than Adidas.
Tweet timeline
Nike (@nike)
Tweet timeline shows how many tweets were posted within a specified time frame. The chart displays the frequency of tweets per month by Nike’s Twitter account and we can see that Nike’s account sent the highest number of tweets in June 2018. Let’s compare it with Adidas’s tweet counts!
Adidas (@adidas)
In a stark contrast to Nike’s Twitter account, Adidas’s Twitter account has a variable frequency in the number of tweets per month. If we refer to the data below, we can see that in December 2017, the number was the highest with 1082 tweets with some months being reported with as low as 2 to 6 tweets. This shows that the tweeting frequency is inconsistent on Adidas twitter account.
Inference: Nike’s handle is consistent in sending out number of tweets per month as compared to Adidas which shows huge inconsistency.
Client source for posted tweets
Nike (@nike)
We can see that Nike uses the social media marketing tool Sprinklr for sending out most of the tweets which confirms that they use an external agency for managing their Twitter account. Most of their tweets are sent by Sprinklr.
Adidas (@adidas)
Most of the tweets from Adidas’s account were sent out using the Twitter web client and the second most used client is Twitter for iPhone. It is highly possible that Adidas’s Twitter handle is managed in-house.
Most mentioned keywords
Nike (@nike)
The most used keyword from Nike was #justdoit which is the brand’s tagline. This keyword was used 62 times. Here is the list of all the keywords used by Nike.
Adidas (@adidas)
The most mentioned keyword from Adidas’s Twitter account is #heretocreate which is used 350 times. Below is the list of all the mentioned keywords.
Inference: As per the report, the most used keyword from Nike’s account, #justdoit was used only 51 times as compared to Adidas’s most mentioned keyword #heretocreate, which was used 350 times. This shows that Adidas is really pushing this keyword. We can also see that Adidas’s account typically mentions more number keywords as compared to Nike’s account.
Most retweeted and liked tweets
Nike (@nike)
The most popular tweet from Nike’s account has 219.62K retweets and 512.75k likes. Average likes per tweet is also really high at 29,248.60 per tweet and the average retweets per tweet stands at 9,597.90. The comprehensive list is attached below-
Adidas (@adidas)
The most popular tweet from Adidas’s Twitter account has70.6K retweets and 225.61K likes. Average likes per tweet is quite low as compared to Nike’s account at just 1,446.69 per tweet and the average retweets per tweet stands at 358.55. The comprehensive list is attached below-
Inference: We can see a huge difference in this metric. Adidas is left far behind here and Nike rules single handedly with high number of retweets and likes as compared to Adidas’s account.
Most mentioned usernames
Nike (@Nike)
Below is the list of the most mentioned usernames in decreasing order of their usage from Nike’s Twitter account. @nikeservice, one of their other accounts was mentioned 24 times with @nikerunning mentioned 18 times and so on.
Adidas (@Adidas)
Adidas mentioned its other Twitter page, @adidasoriginals, a total of 73 times in the most recent 3200 tweets from the account with @adidasrunning getting mentioned 32 times. The list is as follows.
Inference: We can see that Adidas is more frequent in mentioning the usernames. Nike, on the other hand follows a more conservative approach in mentioning usernames.
This marks the end of the analytical report. It gives us a glimpse into how these sneaker giants operate on social media. The report also provides insights into their engagement practices. Both of these brands have a tremendous fan base in the digital as well as the real world.
However, as we can see from this analysis, Nike just edges out Adidas on almost every metric. This proves that Nike has an overall better digital presence than Adidas. Do let us know in the comments what do you think of these two legendary brands!
Shout out in case you wish to read analysis of Twitter followers for any two brands of your choice.

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