In our previous posts, we analyzed the tweet patterns of Nike and Adidas official Twitter accounts and got a brief idea of how these two sneaker brands communicate with their follower base. In this article, we will decode the follower base of these brands. To analyze any Twitter account’s followers, click here.
If you want to get answers to questions like, which countries have the most following of these brands? How many followers are fake? The activity level of the followers etc., do keep on reading.
Followers last tweet date
This metric displays the activity level of Twitter followers. Accounts with tweets more than a year old can be considered as dormant or spam accounts.
Adidas (@adidas)
The last tweet date displays the last time the followers of Adidas tweeted from their account. Adidas’s account has 58.7% followers out of the total of 3.8M, who have not tweeted from their account since more than a year.
Nike (@nike)
As per the analysis, out of Nike’s total followers counting to 8.3M, 58.1% have not tweeted since more than a year. This shows us that more than half of Nike’s total followers have not tweeted since more than a year.
Inference: Both of these brands are quite close in this metric as their dormant followers’ percentage are quite close to each other. This is not an absolute metric to know the number of fake followers, it just allows us to understand the number of dormant followers which may be fake.
Account age of followers
This metric displays the Twitter account age of followers. Older accounts carry more value as compared to new account which might have just been created for spamming. The older the Twitter account, more is its value.
Adidas (@adidas)
The pie chart below shows us the percentage of accounts with respect to their creation date. Authentic accounts have diverse account age groups, and as we can see, only 4.3% of total followers of Adidas have their accounts created in 2020.
Nike (@Nike)
Nike’s account too, follows the footsteps of Adidas’s account in terms of account creation date, with only 4.2% of the accounts created in 2020. The account ages are diverse as well. This is sign of authenticity of the Twitter account.
Inference: This metric is neck to neck between the two brands with no clear winner. We can say that in a way Adidas leads the Twitter bandwagon with significantly higher number of active followers.
Tweet count of followers
This metric displays the total number of tweets sent out by the followers of a Twitter account.
Adidas (@adidas)
The statistics below display the total number of tweets sent out by Adidas’s followers. You can see that 1,798,097 of Adidas’s followers sent out 1-100 tweets. There are also 25 followers that have more than a million tweets. You can also see that there are 406,079 users with zero tweets in their accounts. These accounts can be considered as spam or fake accounts.
Nike (@nike)
Similar to Adidas, the statistics below display that 3,674,610 of Nike’s followers have tweets ranging from 1-100. There are also 1,127,718 accounts that have zero tweets. These accounts may be considered as spam. Nike also has 36 followers that have more than a million tweets.
Inference: It is a fact that Nike and Adidas have a huge follower base so there are bound to be a few discrepancies. There are about 0.40M and 1.12M followers of Adidas and Nike who have not tweeted ever. This shows us the approximate number of fake accounts in Nike and Adidas followers list.
Followers count of Twitter followers
This metric displays the followers count of followers. Accounts with a greater number of followers can be considered as genuine as compared to an account with no followers.
Adidas (@adidas)
The bar graph shows us the followers count of Adidas followers. We can see that 2,574,747 followers of Adidas have their followers ranging from 1-100. There are also 178,197 followers which have zero followers. These accounts can be considered as spam. You can also see that there are 214 followers with more than a million followers.
Nike (@nike)
As per the graph, we can see that 5,425,866 of Nike’s followers have 1-100 followers. Accounts with zero followers are considered as fake, and Nike has 550,611 of such accounts. There are also 357 followers that have more than a million followers.
Inference: The most crucial aspect of this data is to understand the footprint of our followers on Twitter. Followers with a huge number of their own followers can be labelled as influencers and may prove to be beneficial in building your online reputation. Adidas and Nike have 214 and 357 followers that have a follower base of over a million.
Following count of Twitter followers
This analysis displays the number of accounts our followers are following.
Adidas (@adidas)
The graph below illustrates the number of followers against their following count. You can see that 917,579 accounts are following anywhere between 1-100 accounts. Similarly, there are 10 accounts which follow more than a million accounts.
Nike (@nike)
A similar conclusion can be derived from Nike’s account as well. As per the graph, you can see that 2,593,687 of Nike’s followers follow between 1-100 accounts. There are also 10 accounts that follow more than a million accounts.
Inference: Accounts that have followers who follow more accounts are deemed to be genuine. Nike and Adidas, both have followers who follow at least 1-100 accounts.
Like count of followers
Through this metric, you can check the number of likes sent out by your Twitter followers. Let’s get a better understanding of this.
Adidas (@adidas)
The graph represents the number of likes sent out by Adidas’s followers. Accounts with zero tweets may be considered as fake or dormant, and Adidas has 489,551 of such followers. The full data is attached below:
Nike (@nike)
Similar to how we analyzed the Adidas account, we can see that Nike has 1,466,304 followers who have never sent out any likes, and may be considered as dormant or fake accounts. The full data is attached below:
Inference: By comparison, we can see that Nike more than twice the number of dormant followers as compared to Adidas. This can be explained by keeping in mind the follower base of Nike which is almost twice as compared to Adidas. Both of these brands have the same ratio of dormant followers if we keep their number of followers in mind.
Verified followers percentage
This metric displays the number of followers who are verified. If there is a blue tick beside the twitter username, the profile is said to be verified.
Adidas (@adidas)
We can see that Adidas’s account has just 0.13% of its total followers verified. This 0.13% is the absolute authentic follower base of Adidas. Non verified follower’s stats stand at 99.87%.
Nike (@nike)
Strikingly similar to Adidas, Nike has the exact same report in the verified follower’s metric. The verified and non-verified followers stand at 0.14% and 99.86% respectively.
Inference: Both, Nike and Adidas have the exact same report of 0.13% of verified followers. You can say that out of their total follower base, 0.14% of their followers are absolutely authentic.
Most popular followers
Adidas (@adidas)
Below you can find the list with the most popular followers of Adidas. You can see that the most popular follower of Adidas is Jimmy Fallon with 59.91M followers.
Nike (@nike)
The top 6 followers of Nike’s account are displayed below. You can see that the most popular follower of Nike’s account is Justin Timberlake with 64.22M followers.
Followers with maximum tweets
This metric allows us to view the followers who have tweeted maximum number of times.
Adidas (@adidas)
Adidas has a follower account named @gabrieldsmqs who sent out 3.45 M tweets, which is a huge number.
Nike (@nike)
Here too @gabrieldsmqs is the account with the greatest number of tweets sent out. A list with the decreasing number of tweets is included below.
Inference: You can see that the followers with the greatest number of tweets is same for both the accounts. This does not come as a surprise as both these brands have a lot of common followers.
Followers with maximum likes
This analysis shows a list of the followers who have received the maximum number of likes over a period of time
Adidas (@adidas)
Chelsea Anderson is the account name of the follower who received maximum likes totaling to 2.14 M in Adidas’s follower list. The comprehensive list is attached below.
Nike (@nike)
Julinho10 is the account name that received a total of 1.83 M likes, the greatest number of likes among all the followers in Nike’s account. The comprehensive list is attached below.
Inference: Nike is just a notch lower than Adidas in the number of likes its followers have received. However, the difference is not that significant, and both the brands have almost equally like-able fan base.
This marks the end of our followers analysis of Nike and Adidas. I believe we uncovered a lot of facts related to these two legendary brands.
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